starts at 9am Orlando EST

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mother of Heather Heyer, Killed 1 Year Ago: Everyone Needs to Pick Up th...

New Charlottesville Doc Exposes Neo-Nazi Leaders & Their Ties to U.S. Mi...

Neo-Nazi says he's emboldened by Trump

Father And Son Make First Court Appearance In Death Of Ahmaud Arbery | N...

Investigation into death of Ahmaud Arbery heats up

Questions remain over handling of Ahmaud Arbery case after arrests are m...

Property owner doesn't believe Ahmaud Arbery stole anything the day he died

New 911 call from suspect in Ahmaud Arbery shooting released l ABC News

As per video previously posted, neighbors say and videos show that many many people and neighborhood children frequently walk through and tour this house under construction.  There has been no reports of theft or other illegal activities.  Obviously this 911 call is evidence of pre planning to set up the murder as some sort of self defense.  Note how the caller makes the claim that the person in the house is "reaching into his pocket",  even though we know that Ahmaud doesn't go armed.  

New video released in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case

Hundreds protest the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery

When does it end?

This Week In Racism: Barbequing While Black | AM Joy | MSNBC

Watch while unthinking idiot mindlessly accuses people working, on the job, of being on welfare! The stupidity of these mindlessly emotional people, who cannot be reasoned with, by the way, is legendary.  

Police Calls Over The Mundane Criminalize 'Living While Black' | MSNBC

Complete 'Breathing While Black' Town Hall | NBC 6

STOP BREATHING WHILE BLACK!!!  While they talk about how the civil rights movements have restored Black rights etc., and that the penalties blacks suffer and have suffered are largely over today,  they don't account for the penalty being black has had and still has.  Yet everyone gets reparations except the people who have suffered the greatest theft of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the the history of the new world.