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Friday, July 5, 2013

New Evidence – George Zimmerman Used “N Word”

In Text Message And E-Mail when referring who to look out for when on patrol in Sanford [from the blog]

30 May
Sources have confirmed that the prosecution team investigating the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman have in their possession new evidence in the form of text messages and e-mails in which George Zimmerman uses the “N Word” when referring who to look out for when on patrol in his Sanford, Florida neighborhood.

This could be the most volatile evidence yet and could be a major blow to the self-defense case Zimmerman’s legal team is trying to build. It is no secret that Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mera is motioning to seal some pieces of evidence until the trial, this could be to halt any change in public opinion that his client did not racially profile Trayvon Martin as he followed him through his neighborhood.


A hearing is set for Friday.
Prosecutors say Zimmerman’s statements are inconsistent, and Zimmerman’s attorney believes his emails and text messages could prejudice potential jurors.

Both sides also say they worry that witnesses will be harassed if their names are released.
The media’s motions say the attorneys’ requests are too broad.
Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty, claiming self-defense.

Trayvon Martin Case: George Zimmerman Was 'Jekyll And Hyde,' Former Co-Worker Says

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