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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Minneapolis protests erupt on camera after man allegedly stabbed | Nine ...

Did not die at the hospital.  The police checked for his pulse and could not find one,
then continued to keep the knee on his neck for another two minutes and fifty-three seconds!
No effort was made to revive or resuscitate him, instead the four police made absolutely sure that Floyd could not survive. 

Here's the evidence of premeditation they are trying to ignore and that is making people angry:
The police checked Floyd's body for a pulse/sign of life and did not find one, instead of turning him over and administering resuscitation efforts, they kept that knee pressed on his neck, cutting off any chance the Floyd could breathe, for another full two minutes and fifty-three seconds.  Even then they did not attempt to revive him.  All four officers are trained to resuscitate victims in severe distress even after a pulse cannot be detected, by applying their efforts within as short a time as possible when they know of the problem.  Not one of the four officers bothered to demand or ask or insist on an effort to revive Floyd.  Thereby proving that their intent was to kill George Floyd! The decision to not attempt to revive him and to ensure that he not be rescued, proves that this was a premeditated murder!

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