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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Detective Chris Serino charging documents. Was he about to be the Defense “Fall Guy?”

by Make Each Day Count

Let's rewind to October 19, 2012. A motion was filed by Mark O'Mara called Emergency Motion for Protective Order/ Prophylactic Sequestration of Witnesses Prior to Defense Deposition.
A Hearing was held on this motion on October 26, 2012 and the motion was denied. This motion was also posted on the website of Mark O'Mara. Trying the case to Public Opinion much Defense Counsel? Or is that perhaps a little potential Jury confusion you attempted through this motion? Many have questioned the ethics of filing this motion. Others called it nothing more than a press release.
The alleged purpose of this motion was to ask the Judge to order that witnesses be prohibited from discussing their testimony amongst one another before their deposition with the Defense. It was based on a deposition taken by Sgt. Santiago, who told the defense that in his opinion, George Zimmerman should not have been charged. He stated that several other officers felt the same way after meetings the group had with Chief Lee. O'Mara and West jumped up and down at the hearing, claiming Government Interference in this charging of Zimmerman, the theatrics just short of an Academy Award. Or so they thought. The Judge felt otherwise.
The Defense claimed that they had never received such exculpatory evidence and pointed fingers at the State for not providing it. Well that is all good for theatrics, however apparently the State disagreed about such discourse in the ranks.
In the eyes of this writer, perhaps some may have set the GPS to forward on that BUS, directly toward Detective Chris Serino as the Fall Guy.
The Defense thought they had a hot number in this Sgt Santiago. They had fairy tale dreams for a while about the gotcha they thought they had on Chris Serino. However, O'Mara and West played their cards far too early in this motion. Gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them O'Mara.
Chris Serino is no dummy. He hadn't been deposed yet. And now he realized that the BUS was rolling in his direction. Serino has 26 years invested in his career as a police officer and an investigator for the Sanford Police Department. He knows how these things work.
In June, Serino had asked for a demotion from Investigator to Patrol Officer, it was granted. Why? Maybe for many reasons but, Chris Serino knew the road was not going to be paved with hearts and flowers in the year before him.
Although he had stepped up to the plate recommending the charge of Manslaughter, he knew it was not a popular opinion. He also knew that any case he investigated in the future would probably be a tough go for him. Because, defense counsels on any future case he investigated, might try to use his role in the Zimmerman case as a credibility issue.
Fast forward a little. On November 20, 2012 Chris Serino without notifying the City Attorney, hired his own attorney. Well known for the Casey Anthony case, Serino hired Attorney Jose Baez. BOOM Rene Stutzman. Did you hear it, and understand the significance of what this means?

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